my story

My given names are Björn Gustav Adolf Donobauer. I came to Lancashire and the Capernwray Torchbearer centre in the summer of 1961 and nobody could rightly say my first name. Björn Borg had not yet played at Wimbledon nor had ”Abba” Björn Ulvaeus made the world aware of what Abba would do to the pop music scene. And I was unhappy about being addressed as BeJoon. They asked me the meaning of Björn and I said it means ”Bear” in Swedish. Ah! The penny dropped and I became “Teddy”. And I am still known by that name outside Sweden. And outside Sweden I am nowadays and will be for the foreseeable future.

Having grown up in Austria until age 8,5 and living in Sweden for the major part of the next 55 years I moved to the semi-autonomous Finnish county of Åland between Sweden and Finland where I lived for 8 years before moving to Yorkshire. A three-year spell saw me studying in England and Scotland in the later part of the 60’s.

I am an apprentice in many professions and a Master of none, but still learning. I have been blessed with a very varied life, both as to the various things I have laid my hand to as well as to the various places where I have lived. I have lived by a motto like this: ”No moss gathers on a rolling stone”. Standing still was never my passion. Once you have cleared a high jump of 1.60 m there is no point continuing to jump that height. Try Pole vault next time. If the old bones allow. Or the long jump.

At the age of 71 I married here in Doncaster Civic Centre. My wife is Diana nee Goulding. She is a stretch younger than I, by five years. We have found each other via a dating site, but not because of it. We have the distinct understanding that God has brought us together for His purposes. That is what our lives have as their focus, to serve and live as the children of the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Of course we will belong to a local church, of course the worldwide fellowship of those who have bowed their knees to the Lord are our brothers and sisters.

By passion and conviction I am what is known as a Bible Teacher and as such I study and apply the Word of God to the life situations in which we now live. That is what my webpage will be mostly about, writings and videos all based on and aiming to share what meagre understanding I have of the deep things of God’s word. All our knowledge is knowledge in part, by sharing my part I trust that more parts will be added. It is like eating, the appetite may grow whilst doing it.

You are very welcome to partake and interact. Various forums will be open for feedback and communication. You may be glad at times and mad at others at what I share, no matter, we learn by interaction with other people. So all kinds of feedback are welcome. I am one of those who knows that what I know only serves to show me how much I do not yet know.

Bear with me as I share what I now think I know. And most importantly: Whom I know. Welcome to the Donobauer in Doncaster on the river Don homestead in the cyber world.

Teddy Donobauer