No, applause from us! How is one to understand the somersault that they have done who on point for point have dismantled a message that has stood the biting test of time for over 2000 years? And who are they that further claim that they see the “Spirit of God” Continue Reading
Teddy Donobauer
That chaotic lot of old keys
The drawer for keys without locks In all the houses I’ve lived in, ( I have changed homes 42 times in 76 years) there was always a certain space for old keys. It may have been the first drawer in the hall chest of drawers, or the first drawer in Continue Reading
Sodom revisited
Manna October 14, 2022 On a return visit to Sodom “Behold, this was the sin of your sister Sodom: Pride, abundance of food and carefree security she and her daughters had, but she did not help the needy and poor.They became haughty and did things that were disgusting to me. Continue Reading
Glory to God, is it?
Or simply Another case of Ichabod? (Ichabod means “The glory has departed”, and was the name chosen by a dying mother at the birth of her son. The story is told in 1 Samuel ch 4:19ff. It occurred when the news came to her that the core of the faith of Continue Reading
A serious word from ‘The Messenger’
“Then those who respected the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord took notice. A scroll was prepared before him in which were recorded the names of those who respected the Lord and honored his name. “They will belong to me,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “in the day when I prepare my own special property. I will spare them as Continue Reading
“The half has never been told”
One of the sinister prophecies made by the Holy Spirit to Paul 1 was a future in the very church where it could be said of the believers that they “have a form of godliness but are denying the power of it’. It describes the intolerable possibility of standing on Continue Reading
Flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom
Moving of the Spirit: God’s Word, which is God’s truth, and God’s Spirit unite to arouse our highest emotions. Because He is God and worthy of our praise, we will find the ability to praise Him and to glorify Him. Some religious and evangelistic techniques are directed almost entirely to Continue Reading
Plumb line 1: In defence of sound doctrine
Time for the first “plumb line”. When I visited KCS for the first time, I was led to talk about what should characterize a true “Kingdom Center”. I then assumed that the Bible as such was public property for all who belonged to KCS and that the community complied with Continue Reading
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly
Dear Kingdom Center People. Past and present. When the body of Christ is torn in halves or worse, this is no small matter, neither is it private to you only. The Word of God knows that if one member of the Church suffers, then all suffer one way or another. Continue Reading
Nobody gets too much heaven no more
This piece of writing is intended to be an in depth study of the question concerning where we go at the point of our own death. Occasioned by the embarrassing words of well-meaning but poorly informed ministers at the gravesides of believers and non believers alike. “She has gone to Continue Reading