If you have been a member of an evangelical Church for any length of time you will have heard it said a hundred times over. “When we die we go to heaven.” I have taken a deep look into that proposal in my previous text under the title “Nobody gets Continue Reading
Blog posts
Written Words, Feeding Faith
“If we do not trust the writers of the Bible when they speak of the texts of the Bible, why do we believe anything else the Bible claims?” As denomination after denomination, and therefore congregation after congregation, leans further and further away from the thought of the Bible as the Continue Reading
One in three, it is?
Something about the Three who are One “Let’s pray..” I’ll be trying for a while to unravel one of the big stumbling blocks in Christian teaching. It is about our understanding of God. That it is an important question shines through in many places in the Word. “He who wants Continue Reading
All things written
“If we do not believe in what is written in the Bible about itself, how can we then trust anything else that it says?” Rev Teddy Donobauer There was a time when Christians were generally known as the Readers, because the life they lived was conditioned by their careful and Continue Reading
“That old Book”
“That old book” Today ‘s take on the keys of faith is simply an intense look at the central role of the Bible for those who claim to be believers in Christ. Where the Bible’s unique claim is not accepted, there is also no basis for anything that can be Continue Reading
Hidden in plain view, the unsearchable God.
I have been asked to “explain” the doctrine of the Trinity by some of my African brothers. Considering that this doctrine is one of the hottest potatoes in the history of Christian dogmatics, only a fool would be pretending to be able to “explain” what is in essence inexplicable, but Continue Reading
Whatever happened to the Protestants?
Whatever happened to the protestants? In my ill-spent younger years I tried to learn Latin. My unwillingness to learn the kind of grammar-swotting that was the modus operandi of those school days left me with a sketchy understanding of that classical language. But even so I learned enough to be Continue Reading
Twelve outlines on how and why to study the Bible
Dear Discoverers. Here are the promised outlines for twelve studies covering twelve weeks of learning how to study the word of God. These notes are what those who are the leaders of each group have in hand. They may be too difficult to give to the would be students. They Continue Reading
”God speaks to the One who cares”
A bundle of notes on the vexed matter of listening to the Voice of God in our day and age. ”Speak Lord for your servant hears.” 1 Sam 3:10 Setting out on a quest for what it may mean to ’hear the voice of God” brings to light several seemingly Continue Reading
No, We are not afraid
Perfect love casts out fear Anyone who dares to be less than enthusiatic about contemporary “hot issues” is nowadays immediately labeled as suffering from some kind of “phobia”. Anyone who has studied the progress of Islam for 1400 years and understands how their takeover of power in nation after nation Continue Reading