
Adam, There Is a Glitch in Your Fig Leaf!

In the well-known fairytale about the Emperors new clothes by H C Andersen the deception about the Emperor’s new clothes is subscribed to by the entire adult world. But the children see through it. The emperor was naked and did not know it. The story pinpoints the massive vanity and self delusion that we as men are capable of. It is the front page news of every daily paper, every day.

Since the dawn of time man has been hiding from God because he knows that he is naked. His attempts to hide that nakedness has created a thousand forms of “fig leaves”, but there is always a glitch that shows his real and very guilty self. As ignored and downgraded as the Bible may be, it still tells the story of man’s fall and his possible restoration. The imagery about that and templates for it are all in that library of God’s interaction with man.

That is what this book is about. Or if you like: “When everything else has gone wrong: read the instructions.”

Teddy Donobauer has studied men and male hood and the Bible for over fifty years. He knows himself and male frailty in depth. He speaks out of his own journey through life and hopes that his quest for reality would be useful to his “brothers in arms.”

Adam, Let Go of Your Fig Leaf, There Is a Storm Brewing

In Teddy Donobauer’s first book, Adam, There is a Glitch in Your Fig Leaf!, he discusses the “fig leaves” men try to hide behind. He shares how the success rate is unimpressive, for sooner or later, they are discovered. Some storm or another will rip away the disguise, and they will stand there naked.

Contrary to the title, this sequel, Adam, Let Go of Your Fig Leaf, There is a Storm Brewing, presents a call to all men to do the opposite: let go of your fig leaves. But first, Donobauer explains, you need to see them as such and see what they stand for.

Through personal testimony and Bible scripture, Donobauer delivers the message that unless you are saved by him, you will not be with him. When you know yourself as being saved, you will be where he is, in time and eternity. But the purpose for the offer of salvation is not to populate heaven with former sinners, but to populate earth with saints in the making.

Two Books, One Story

Where would a Cuckoo and a Lobster be found in the proximity of Cancers and Rainbows? Where would bread, unleavened or puffed up, shed light on life and sincerity in religious practice? They meet within the pages of this latest book by Teddy Donobauer. What appears natural in some aspects carries spiritual significance in many other. A butterfly not only flutters by, but cries to the soul, learn from me.

The almost universal concern for the environment is on the lips of every man. And we are blamed for virtually every evil. What is not on the lips of all, is the fact that our natural environment depends on the spiritual environment which precedes it, and out of which it came. Our sins against creation started as sins against the larger environment of the Creator. It is our loss of correspondence with the Creator which has led to our disastrous behaviour in His world.

Creation and the Uncreated cannot be separated from each other as that which is visible is entirely dependent on invisible realities. Creation and God cannot be separated, and every physical thing is under Spiritual laws. There are therefore two books to read. The Bible and the Creation of which the Bible speaks in a multitude of ways. What is true in the world is also true in the Spiritual world.

This book explores this double message in a few chosen areas. The one-eyed visions of the naturalist must be complemented with a spiritual second eye. A stereo vision of the visible and the invisible together. Seeing with two eyes, and looking with eyes wide open on the world while it is still ours to live in. It’s salvation will still be the Creator’s business

Ledtrådar: Man kan inte skjuta ett snöre framför sig

Available in Swedish only.
Med utgångspunkt hos Stephanus i Apostlagärningarnas sjunde kapitel, fångar jag upp ett antal punkter om Moses som sedan omvandlas till kapitelrubriker. I punkt för punkt, kapitel för kapitel, drar jag samman vad hela Bibelns samtliga böcker bidrar med till en bred förståelse av just den frågan.

Jag förstår således bibelns bibliotek av 66 böcker som en sammanhängande helhet. Oaktat den tekniska uppdelningen i böcker, kapitel och verser finns det ett sammanhängande nätverk bakom den tryckta texten. Allt vad som “fordom” är skrivet, är skrivet för vår undervisning som lever nu. Ett nu som omfattar varje ny generation.

I den västerländska kristenhetens snabba tillbakagång syns bristen på andliga ledare, enligt den bibliska definitionen av vad som menas med det, vara alldeles påtaglig. Om herdarna inte längre är modellerade på Herden med stort H, kan de heller inte leda fåren. Fåren skingras om de inte hör Överherdens röst. De följer inte andra herdar. Om de gör det far de illa och omkommer.

Utan förebilder blir det svårt att veta hur man ska leda. Om de blinda leder de blinda kommer ingen till något mål. Målmedvetenhet är en av många egenskaper som man inte kan läsa sig till, men väl lära sig. Det kräver urskiljning och avskiljning. Hur ser det ut hos Moses och Paulus när det gäller grunderna i det som syns i gott ledarskap.

Det är vad boken antyder och synliggör.

Det kan inte hjälpas att ett och annat av dagens missförhållanden synliggörs i förbifarten. Jag ber inte om ursäkt för en och annan rallarsväng mot samtidens dåligt genomtänkta ledarskap och utbildning till det ansvarsfulla uppdraget att stå till förfogande för att leda inom ramen för en andlig gemenskap med namn om sig att vara kristen.