”Well done thou good and faithful servant”
It is not in me to speak of things that are hidden in God. I will not speak of what I have done or believe to have accomplished. Other people will have to do that. On request I can probably supply you with a short list of names and email adresses of people who have benefitted from my ministry but I am not in a framework of mind to laud myself.
It is enough for the servant if he is reated as they treated his Lord. All that I have done in life will be accounted for at the last judgmenet and until then I will not speak on my behalf.

Academically I have achieved little of note. I was trained and ordained within the Swedish Baptist Church in Stockholm and Uppsala in 1971. I have completed a CRK (Certificate of Profisciency in Religious Knowledge) in Glasgow BTI in 1969. I have done 10 University credits within the Swedish National Education system in ”Educational Planning and Personel Development” at the Teacher Training College in Gothenburg in 1992.
I am the author of a few books, some in Swedish, and have completed and printed three in English.
Credentials in other fields are of very varied nature and deal with anything from cooking to horsemanship. But they add little to my calling as a teacher of the Word of God. That I can handle a horse and carriage or cook a Beef Wellington is neither here nor there. That does only safeguard that I can get from here to there while feeding myself in style. ”A horse, a horse, a kingdom for a horse!”
For further inquires connect via email teddy.donobauer@gmail.com.
Teddy Donobauer, Doncaster