We ask for financial support for the work that is ongoing across the globe. We never keep a penny for ourselves of the means that are contributed from our friends and fellow believers. My Swedish pension is very low and is losing in value as the Swedish currency is dwindling over against the Euro, Pound and Dollar. We will not beg, if we cannot help with what we have then those areas of our work will need to shut down. That is hurtful. Just being online is costly. To those who choose to support us, our gratitude is beyond words.
Teddy Donobauer, Doncaster
“As a friend of Teddy I would like to add that a personal donation to Teddy is most OK to concider. If or when you make such an donation, please mark it as ‘Personal donation’.”
Ted Sjövall, Administrator
To: Bjorn Donobauer
Mark: *
Bank: Santander
Sort code: 090129
Account number: 19632764
IBAN: GB33 ABBY 0901 2919 6327 64
To: Björn Donobauer
Mark: *
Bank: Swedbank
Clearing number: 8105-9
Account number: 003867725-8
IBAN: SE 508 0000 810 5900 368 772 58
*Donation marks:
Donation: We use the donation as we see fit for our costs.
72 windows: The donation will go to the 72 windows project.
Personal donation: The donation is to Teddy Donobauer
For the 72 windows project – please visit: www.72windows.com
If you have any questions – do not hesitate to contact us.